Najme Kazazi

A design notebook for me is the freest place to engage with my work. This may be due to the classic nature of its practice. Notebooks are a way for me to record daily life and a kind of visual memoir writing.

Nikoo Koochak

A notebook serves as a personal aide for capturing fleeting thoughts, visually documenting experiences, and shaping the narrative of personal moments.

Sogol Kashani

I do not design in a notebook. For me, a notebook is a medium for creating an 'artist's book' with a general concept.

Shiva Babaei

The main thing I can do is add colour and luster to life, and I record all my daily embellishments in my design notebook.

Mousa Rabani

The pages of the notebook become a passage for crossing over and reaching another place; I get so close that everything becomes clear to me.

Kavian Hazeli

Samane Abri

A design notebook is the best platform for creating visual stories that begin, are crafted, and conclude in my mind; they end and start anew. For me, a design notebook is an endless path and story of painting.

Marjan Ghorbani

My engagement with a design notebook occurs when an idea forms in my mind and I intend to record it in a safe place. For me, design notebooks are secret boxes where I document the conversations between stones and myself. That's why some of my notebooks are neither seen nor displayed.

Keiman Mahabadi

Maryam Beygi

Mohammad Mehdi Bayat

Pegah Shamlou

Shabnam Pazirofteh